Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Christmas Story

This is a picture of the men on Christmas morning. Aiden is just getting to the age that he had a little fun with Christmas. Parker obviously didn't understand the concept yet but he was happy all day just to be part of the excitement!

There is a part of me that would love to shower my children with tons of toys at Christmas. However, there is a conflicting feeling of forgetting what Christmas is really about. It is about gifts just not the ones under the tree.

I am trying to think of ways to teach the boys as they grow that while receiving and giving gifts is fun it isn't what is most important.

One idea that I have thought about is a gift limit. Everybody receives five gifts. No more no less. Five items they really want. Maybe even just three as costly as gifts can be.

Another idea is a spending limit for example no more than 200.00 or 300.00 on each person. I fear as the boys get older they will get into gift counting no doubt. I guess life isn't fair so if that means one boy gets 8 presents and one gets 10 it will be an early life lesson!

Telling the story of Jesus an what he did for mankind will be present every Christmas as well!

How do you handle Christmas spending in your home?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh Poo!

Poor Parker and poor mommy!

Parker is now 2 months old. He is starting to "hold onto" BMs. This happened with Aiden too. He doesn't have a BM for 4-6 days but when he does, watch out! My Dr. said that a breast fed baby can go up to a week or more without a movement because it takes them that long to pull all the nutrition they need from the milk.

This is not constipation or the movements would not be lose. This makes for what I like to call poop days. A poop day is just what it sounds like. A day where all I get done is changing poopie diapers! One of my biggest worries sense I had my babies is poo lol. I'm always worrying if they are going too much or going too little! I guess its part of the fun!

At least my little guy is feeling better!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Natural Family Planning

I quit taking my $ 30.00 birth control today. FYI- I think that's expensive.

I've always been fearful of BC messing with hormones and what long term effect that might have on the body. Please see

It just doesn't seem natural to me. I'm not going to put ANYTHING into my body that they willingly put on the container *might cause cancer?* If theyre telling you that what are they not telling you?

My mother is a hospice nurse. In the 12 years that she has worked for hospice I have see their numbers sky rocket from usually having 25 patients to now 100 or more. Its crazy I know there are all kinds of reasons those numbers have climbed but I believe too many drugs is one of them!

I have 2 babies to live for and God willing I want to live a long full life watching them grow.

I'm Catholic anyway so morally its a better choice for me as well.

NFP, The Rhythm Method? Now that's another post! I've also heard of a light method. Something about how the moon controls our cycles and how you can control your cycle with a bedside lamp! So there is my thought of the day!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This a picture of Aidens' foot and his new favorite toy.

Yes, that is floss.

We really do buy the child toys but its wasted money! All he wants to play with lately is floss, a clothes hamper, and my over stock of cucumbers on our back deck. At least I have found a use for the cucumbers I cant pickle!

I think its hilarious! I'm going to a first birthday party this weekend. I wonder what they will think If we stuff a laundry basket full of these items? I guarantee they will get more use than any electronic gadget!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Bottle

12 months right? That's the limit.

I am here to admit that my eldest boy is nearly 17 months and still taking one bottle before I lay him down for bed. ( lots of frowns and gasps from reader)

Okay, okay so here are my excuses.

1. I weaned Aiden from the breast at 13 months. Weaning from the bottle at the same time seemed a bit harsh.

2. At 14 months I gave birth to my 2Nd son and that was change enough. I didn't want to take any comfort away when he had to start sharing mommy.

3. I'm over books. I'm a feels right kinda gal these days. It just has not "felt" right to me, yet.

4. I don't want my little darling to grow up to quickly.

5. I also transitioned Aiden from co-sleeping to crib between 12-13 months. Too much change!

So now that my boy is nearly 17 months and my maternity leave is coming to an end I know that I have to wean soon.

I'm curious when other mothers are weaning from the bottle. Did anyone else have trouble with this? Did you wean your little one cold turkey?

I don't know what I'm waiting for. I suppose I'm waiting for me to be ready because I don't think that he would miss the feeding much at all! It's the only time I can get the boy to sit still on my lap these days!


Monday, June 7, 2010

My Baby Story

Welcome to the world Parker Robert!

My second son has entered the world and he couldn't be more wonderful!

Parker was born May 27Th, 1:17 pm. He was 6lbs even and 19 inches long. Not the big baby that I was expecting but he was just right! My OB told me he felt so large because I had more amniotic fluid than normal but not to worry that was okay.

My second labor was so much more enjoyable than my first. No offense Aiden! I think I was much more calm going into this labor, knowing myself and my body better than the first go round. My husband and I also took a Lamaze class together and learning the breathing techniques really helped me to feel in control of my contractions. Because I was able to progress naturally and no pitocin was administered I believe that was another factor that made this birth more easily endured.

The Tuesday before I gave birth I went into the hospital because I was having contractions 7 min apart. My Doc came in and said I was still only 2cm but I did have a bulging water sac (I know gross). Then to my surprise he sent me home! He said to come into his office Thursday am and see if anything had changed.

I was in pain all day Wednesday. There was so much pressure the only thing that helped was rocking back and forth. Looking back I'm so glad that my Dr. let me progress on my own. Much better to labor in the comfort of your own home than a cold hospital bed!

Thursday morning my contractions were very strong but still not very regular. My husband stayed home from work because I told him it was going to happen today! We drove to the Dr.s office and when we got there I really wasn't in any major pain just here and there when a contraction came. I was starting to get nervous that nothing had changed!

Much to my surprise and my Dr's as well I was nearly 6 cm! My Doc said lets save your car interior and get you over to labor and delivery! yay!

I was scared of getting the epidural due to my first encounter with one, not working correctly and being turned off. Turns out I was more scared of not having one. My Dr. broke my water and ordered an epi right away and thank goodness because as soon as that cushion was gone, ouchie!

My anesthesiologist was amazing! So kind and listened to all my worry! My epi was perfect! Just numb enough to take away the major pain but I could still move my legs and could feel contractions.

Parkie pig (I love his nickname :-) ) came into the world just two hours later and only a 3 rounds of pushing! Yay! My poor sister who pushed for 3 hours plus hates me!

Being a mother is the best experience I have had yet! It is an amazing gift! I love my children with everything I am. I live to be their momma now.

People often ask me if I will try again for a girl. I'm not sure yet if we will be having another child but if we do we will be trying again for another baby not a boy or a girl. These boys are wonderful and to my surprise I feel no loss of not having a girl. I trust that things are as they should be!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome Mothers

zany [ˈzeɪnɪ]
adj -nier, -niest
comical in an endearing way; imaginatively funny or comical, esp in behaviour

Zaney Mommy :
Comical in an endearing way; imaginatively funny or comical, esp in behavior, a mother.

If you fit into the definition of a Zaney Mommy this blog is for you!

The idea behind this blog is to connect mothers. To share stories about our experiences as mothers. To advise each other when making choices that all mothers are faced with. To be used as a resource of support, exchanging child care favors, cooking and cleaning for mothers with newborns and most importantly to dote on our children that we are so in love with!
My name is Lindsay and I have a son that just turned one on March 2nd, 2010 and I am expecting another son in June. The boys will be just 15 months apart!
I work 30 hours per week outside the home and do some babysitting on my days off, although it has been nearly impossible for me to babysit with this pregnancy. I'm exhausted all the time and Aiden is sick all the time (or so it seems!). I guess chasing a curious one year old around and carrying a child isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be!
I will be married for 4 years this coming July. My husband is a sub-station technician journeyman, or in simple terms he builds electrical sub-stations, which are the large fenced in electrical towers that you see along the road.
So there is a little about me. Lets hear a little about you!